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The Scientific Publishing House of the Cognitione Foundation for the Dissemination of Knowledge and Science is a scientific publisher focused on high-quality, interdisciplinary publications in the disciplines of economics and finance as well as business and management fields. The Cognitione Foundation is the publisher of the international Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI) indexed, among others in Web of Science and Scopus. The mission and goal of the Scientific Publisher of the Cognitione Foundation are publications with open access and free for their authors while giving authors the opportunity for global access to their publications and greater citations through the largest search engines. Since 2017, The Scientific Publishing House of the Cognitione Foundation has been cooperating with the Polish Academy of Sciences (Institute of Economic Sciences), the effect of which is to expand the Publishing House's profile in economy and finance with extremely valuable support from scientists of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The Scientific Publishing House of the Cognitione Foundation received support from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the DUN program.

Publishing policy

Reviewing procedure

To evaluate each submitted publication, at least two independent reviewers will be appointed. The adopted solution is a model in which the author(s) and reviewers do not know their identities (the so-called "double-blind peer review process"). The review is in writing and ends with an unequivocal conclusion as to whether the article is accepted for publication is rejected. The publication will be approved/rejected if the merit criteria and the editing criteria are / are not met.

Ghostwriting and guest authorship

Reliability is one of the foundations on which we build quality in science. Readers should be absolutely certain that the authors of the publication transparently, reliably and honestly present the results of their work, irrespective of whether they are its direct authors or whether they used the support of some specialized entity (natural or legal person). The proof of the scientist's ethical behavior and the highest editorial standards should be found in the openness of information concerning the subjects contributing to the publication (merit, material, financial and other contributions). This is the a reflection of not only decency but also of social responsibility.

"Ghostwriting" takes place when someone made a significant contribution to the creation of the publication, but their role was not revealed either as one of the authors or in the acknowledgements included in the article. "Guest authorship" ("honorary authorship") happens when the author's contribution is negligible or when the contribution never occurred and yet they are the author/co-author of the publication. All discovered cases will be exposed, including passing this information to relevant entities (institutions employing the authors, scientific societies, associations of scientific editors, etc.).

To prevent any cases of "ghostwriting" and "guest authorship" the editors oblige the authors to submit a signed declaration on this matter.

Copyright and Open Access License

We publishe under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY.

The Author, by publishing the Work in Cognitione Foundation Scientific Publisher, grants a CC-BY license, which allows for the copying, changing, distribution, showing and performing of the Work, with the retention of the copyright to the Work.

The license may change, distribute, show or perform the Work only under the condition that attribution is given by indicating the first and last name (or pseudonym) of the Author, the title of the Work, the source of the Work and the type of license.

More information on the CC-BY license is available at:

The publisher has a strict policy on plagiarism. We check for any plagiarism issues using two methods: a plagiarism prevention tool ( and a review check. All submissions will be checked through before being sent to reviewers.

The Editorial Board:

"Follows the rules on academic writing and academic ethics, according to the work by M. Roig (2003; 2006) Avoiding plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and other questionable writing practices: A guide to ethical writing, available online at

We suggest that all potential contributors of the Journal, reviewers and readers duly follow this guidance in order to avoid any misconceptions in academic writing.

Editors and reviewers will blind referee all manuscripts following the guidelines explicitly highlighted by COPE



Cover Audyt Zasobow Niematerialnych

Cover Zarzadzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi

In cooperation with Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN  


Monografia 2023

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Vol. 21

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Vol. 20

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Vol. 19

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Vol. 18

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Vol. 17

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Vol. 16

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Vol. 15

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Vol. 14

Digitalization of the Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI)
- task financed under the agreement No. 609/P-DUN/2018 by the Minister of Science and Higher Education allocated to the activities of disseminating science.

Cover JEMI Vol14 Issue 1 2018

Cover JEMI Vol14 Issue 2 2018

Cover JEMI Vol14 Issue 3 2018

Cover JEMI Vol14 Issue 4 2018

Vol. 13

Digitalization of the Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI)
- task financed under the agreement No. 694/P-DUN/2017 by the Minister of Science and Higher Education allocated to the activities of disseminating science.

Cover JEMI Vol13 Issue1 2017

Cover JEMI Vol13 Issue2 2017

Cover JEMI Vol13 Issue3 2017

Cover JEMI Vol13 Issue4 2017

Vol. 12

Cover JEMI Vol12 Issue1 2016

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Vol. 11

Cover JEMI Vol11 Issue1 2015

Cover JEMI Vol11 Issue2 2015

Cover JEMI Vol11 Issue3 2015

Cover JEMI Vol11 Issue4 2015



Submission & Policy

Publication submissions are accepted throughout the year at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The declaration for authors should be sent as a scanned document to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please find attached below a sample paper, an example of a reference list, a declaration, and a review form: